John Fish B.Sc.
Tenby Publishers
Explore Our Changing World
"Ond, rhag ofn y bydd fy hun yn euog i hunan yn anghywir, byddaf yn stopio fy nghlustiau yn erbyn cân y môr-forwyn"
"But, lest myself be guilty to self-wrong, I'll stop mine ears against the mermaid's song"
Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors
When a blood red sun sets in the west on your old world
Over the horizon of the eastern shore of the Atlantic Ocean
Then the Star of Pembrokeshire rises up into your night sky
And tomorrow at dawn your life's voyage to a new world begins
His life seemed to be totally meaningless, going nowhere. It hadn't always been like that but somehow it seemed to reflect the times he lived in.
I know what you're going through
And I know how you feel when redundancy strikes
The company is being rationalised, you see
To maximise shareholders' profits, you see
And you're in the way, you see
To a rich man's dreams of holiday in Barbados
Whilst your dreams are put on ice
Once I was a rich man of possessions a-plenty
Now my health is taxed by my poor eyes and teeth
My water and excreta is being sold off too
Why anyone should put such a value on me ...
But not just on me, on all of us too
The world has been turned upside down
And my senses don't cognate like they used to
If I was a rich man would I be free
If I was naked would you see my knobbly knees
If I was a blue bird would I whistle and sing
If I was a piece of rubbish would I be put in a bin
But it wouldn't solve nothing
We're in hell of a fix
What say you
Is there a way out of this mess
Well I don't know what's really best
Okay it's crazy
That I'm going to be taxed on the air I breathe
But when the ship is sinking it's all hands to the pumps
Either that or buy a generator for when the electricity stops
It's like my head's tied up in a Gordian knot
I know what Alexander would do
He'd chop it in half
So now I got two heads
One left and one right
But how to march with two best feet forward
Is a problem of a magnitude I can't solve
So I stands still in my oblivion
For with two heads I don't know what to say
And I don't even know how to think no more
But still I can hear through each ear
Year in year out each ear hears the same
There's a wisdom there to free this slave
Because it's not their hearing that's changed
It's just the things they hear sayed
So I'll listen to H.G. Wells and build me a time machine
And see if the future will say what the past used to
Or find out if my schizophrenia
Is of an evolutionary destiny
And while I'm building it I'm not going to listen
In through one ear and out through the other say I
Because what comes in through one
Is the same as the other
Then it all swirls round inside my head
So if it could all come out and leave me alone
Would I really miss it all?
Everything all went wrong at once. It was like he'd been caught in a pincer movement. Practically simultaneously his marriage broke-up and he lost his job. Still, no children were involved and things hadn't looked too good on the job-front for quite awhile. Whether one led to the other, or even vice-versa, he just didn't know. But his little world collapsed like the proverbial pack of cards and he found that the foundations of his life were built on sand. It all seemed so crazy now, for it was all glued together by a job. A job which allowed him a mortgage and car. So he could provide for his wife and, hopefully, one day a family. But without that job he was as good as dead. He thought she realised that quite awhile before he did. In hindsight certain things became crystal clear, not that he attached all blame to her. Perhaps the middle-class dream was just him being naïve.
But it wasn't just his life that was changing, society was too. In hindsight the midwife of change was the Falkland's War, though at the time it just seemed to be a continuation of the past.
We fought for them and did not know why
Yet for them we were prepared to die
A long way away in southern ocean's depths
Yet lusted by one whose strength was immense
So Britannia's ships once more ruled the waves
Fuelled by memories of Drake, Nelson and sea-waves
A last gasp of strength from our epic past
We cast fear to the winds and fought with our last gasp
The clarion call sounded clear over our land
We emptied our treasures and threw money to sand
The air-waves screamed with our bolts of death
And all who stood in our way we entombed in death
We built a fortress to protect our heart
But nearly forgot that money means nought
But we pulled through by forgetting about greed
And putting our faith in our democratic dream
So Britannia's victorious in a new Elizabethan age
Strengthened, ennobled, no longer in chains
Breathing free air with each beat of our hearts
Standing so firmly no longer apart
But when victory was celebrated it brought with it a change in the course of history. As the victorious forces were paraded before their monarch there was a massive explosion, and so Britain became a republic for the rightful heir to the throne was a girl-child barely out of infancy. And with the republic they had a president: The Maggie. Not that the change was universally approved of, but such was the former prime minister's majority in parliament that the necessary Acts of Parliament were rushed through with little or no public debate.
You're a member of parliament
A democratically elected public servant
You can't be head of state, Her Majesty is
You're not God, you can't make up our game
You're a human being who happens to be a woman
You're a wife, a mother, a home, a heart
Play to the rules and forget about being the Iron Lady
One day, in the merry month of May, he was out driving his car, with no particular place to go, when he saw a sign-post for Stonehenge. The last time he'd been there was when he was a child so, as his fancy took him, he went there. Stonehenge too had changed. Instead of being in the middle of nowhere it had been commercialised. As he drove into the visitor-centre's car-park the new national anthem was playing on the car's radio.
Oh Britannia, Oh Britannia
Oh Britannia, Oh Britannia
Oh Britannia I love you
Oh Britannia we love you
Oh Britannia how we love you
Oh Britannia how we adore you
Oh Britannia how we need you
Oh Britannia we love you
Oh Britannia she's so gentle
Oh Britannia she's so loving
Oh Britannia you're our heart
Oh Britannia we love you
With your shield you protect us
With your spear you defend us
And lead us to victory with our battle-cry
Oh Britannia we love you
To your bosom Oh you suckle us
To your heart Oh you nurture us
With your love Oh you soothe us
Oh Britannia we love you
With red for heart
For you love us all
With white you're so pure
Oh Britannia we love you
With blue for sea and sky
With green for nature
Oh Britannia you're our home
Oh Britannia we love you
Oh Britannia, Oh Britannia
We sing your praises all day long
And sing them all night too
Oh Britannia we love you
Oh Britannia, Oh Britannia
Oh Britannia, Oh Britannia
Oh Britannia I love you
Oh Britannia we all love you
Though since, to the popular imagination, The Maggie was equated with Britannia it was often sung with a slight change: Oh Britannia we hate you. He got out of his car and strolled over to the pay-booth where, under the watchful eye of two black-uniformed custodians, he prepared to buy a ticket. There was a small queue and on the wall, behind the young lady who was servicing the queue, he could see a portrait of The Maggie. But as he was about to exchange cash for ticket he heard a woman's voice, she sounded distressed: "Don't serve her, serve me, serve Britannia."
He stood there, open-mouthed. The young lady and those in the queue behind him grew agitated. The custodians moved in and one of them tapped him on the shoulder. He stepped back and they faced each other. His hands reached for his hips and theirs did too. Then with pointed forefinger guns they drew. He could hear the bullets leave his lips: "Pshoo ... Pshoo."
One gasped at his stomach and fell to the ground groaning, the other grasped at his arm and his face disfigured into an agonised grimace. He blew on his finger-tips, winked at the now open-mouthed young lady and the now silent crowd respectfully parted as he returned to his car.
As he pulled out of the car-park and out onto the open road a bright-pink car was approaching with flashing blue lights and a siren which sounded like a woman wailing. It was a detachment of Iron Maidens ...
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John Fish B.Sc. Publishers of Tenby in Wales