John Fish B.Sc.
Publishers of Tenby in Wales (UK)Follow @tenbypublishers FaceBook
Let the Muse of Earth be with You!
Tenby Publishers
Rowse Poetry Anthology
Explore your Relationship with Planet Earth and the Human Condition
"Dyma'r awyr; dyna'r haul gogoneddus ..."
"This is the air; that is the glorious sun ..." Shakespeare, What You Will
Love our Planet Earth?
Anthology of Poems with a theme exploring the emotional complexities of our
relationship between Planet Earth and the Human Condition published online free-to-read by Tenby Publishers.
Copyright remains with Author to whom any enquires should be made (via imbedded email link).
(Publisher's note: This anthology contains hyperlinks to facilitate navigation betweeen the index and poems)
The Trees by Matthew E. McMillen
Metropolitan Agenda by Matthew E. McMillen
Fast Sun by Matthew E. McMillen
Molly's Eyes by Lorraine Voss
Just an Ordinary Man by Lorraine Voss
In the Eye of the Beholder by Lorraine Voss
In Self Defence by Lorraine Voss
Birthday Ode! by Shaunagh Cole
The Letter by Shaunagh Cole
Inner Beauty by Maurice D. Sassoon
Aging by Maurice D. Sassoon
Oh, Weary Ear and Ever-Restless Mouth! by Maurice D. Sassoon
Alzheimer by Maurice D. Sassoon
Highways of My Mind by Maurice D. Sassoon
In Darkness He was Light over the Din by Emma Threlfall
My Love by Emma Threlfall
At Last by Emma Threlfall
The Walkway by Emma Threlfall
Home Again by Emma Threlfall
My Black Little Heart by David Nicholas
Contempt by David Nicholas
Velvet Wings by David Nicholas
The Kiss of the Damned by David Nicholas
Satin Sheets by David Nicholas
The Spider by Colin Morris
The Ant by Colin Morris
La Luna by Colin Morris
Tribute to the King of Pop by Emma Washington
Reality Filmed by Sabahudin Hadzialic
Strange Dream by Sabahudin Hadzialic
Eternal Dreams by Sabahudin Hadzialic
Devil's Playground by Sabahudin Hadzialic
To Be Myself (Now and Here) by Sabahudin Hadzialic
From Vision to Wanting by Ryan McPhee
The Carnival by Ryan McPhee
M by Ryan McPhee
What is Sex? by Ryan McPhee
Vantage Point by Rebecca Mummery
Masochist's Second Chance by Rebecca Mummery
The Wooded Landscape by Rebecca Mummery
Heart of Infinity by Rebecca Mummery
To Cherish, My Dear by Rebecca Mummery
Life by Mark Lowes
The Car by Casson Booth
Phones by Casson Booth
The Dog by Casson Booth
Home of the Garden
Matthew E. McMillen
You are not Chinese
You are not British You are not American or JapaneseYou are human!
You sit on the edge of the sea with your feet in the water and your back against the mountains
You are the fat man jumping into the stream of commerce
You dream beneath the moon though you never sleep
Millions of people move through your streets like blood in your veins
You grow fat with advancement and opportunity
You grow so large you displace the world around you
The creepy find anonymity and those with something to say find an audience
You stimulate my olfactory senses with the smells of enterprise
If I stay here much longer I will become absorbed
You play for keeps
You are Hong Kong!
The Trees
Matthew E. McMillen
Cardboard ships on the horizon again
Oaks yellow and green
Age comes as the fall brings the snow
Next year not the same girls will come, trees will grow
His young mind ponders lore of pictures
Innocence in the trees
Lonely child at play
Young wind in his sails
Swept away
Swept away ...
Metropolitan Agenda
Matthew E. McMillen
He is driven by executive directive and careerism
She is driven by Lexus
Country club birthday parties and hand-me-down Mercedes are paid for by weekend business trips and sales rallies
One time offer! Corporate whipping boy and silicon breast toy
Ponytails, tennis skirts, and monogram dress shirts
Soccer moms dressed up like dolls with character flaws
Gave up legacy for status and the corporate apparatus
Holidays once blazoned with care and ritual
Acts once cultural and traditional are no longer habitual
Trail of romance overgrown with malediction of wondering eyes.
Fast Sun
Matthew E. McMillen
This is the time the time of the fast sun
Days become short and the sun falls far in the sky
The soil is cold and firm
Fallen leaves dance in the brisk clean smelling wind
The forest floor is settled and dormant
The trees stand like rigid framework prepared to support a low gray sky when it gives way
I am a visitor among the elements
My face is cool and dry and white like paper
My eyes water and paint my paper face with tears
My breath freezes in the crisp air, and the fast sun slows to become a moon among many.
Molly's Eyes
Lorraine Voss
They were wide, dead and empty.
They were cry dry, vibrant green.
They were gin-soaked drunken
... sunken.
( Molly's eyes I mean ).
She was dead to dread and heartache.
She was numb and would succumb
to the whims of pimps and pushers
unaware that she'd become
a crack-whore-junkie-hooker.
Injected and infected.
Disrespected by her peers.
and neglected.
Denial keep her ticking
and substance killed disgust,
until sobriety raised it's rare seen head
and she decide that she must
destroy the rancid shell
that housed this saddened core
so she trod the road to the station
as she often had before.
But this time,
... this time was different.
There would be no going back.
No more hiding in a bottle,
or behind the coke and crack.
She leapt to death rejoicing.
She embraced it open armed
and she uttered a prayer for the others
that the city slums had harmed.
They found her corpse beside the tracks
eyes open, wide and dead.
Death by misadventure,
the coroner had said
and no one now would miss her
or notice that she'd gone,
tell stories of her past
and sing the song of swan
or tell how they were open wide
tear soaked vibrant green
and no longer cry dry hardened
( Molly's eyes I mean ).
Just an Ordinary Man
Lorraine Voss
A man came to the door today.
Long hair, blue eyes, six three.
He said he was in the area,
giving estimates for free.
He said that he could mow the lawn,
... do any odd jobs I could find.
He made no mention of saving souls
or healing the sick or the blind.
I showed him to the garden shed,
where the tools and the mower were stored
and I noticed the scars on the palms of his hands
as he reached for the mower cord.
I said, "Are you who I think you are ?"
and he told me to lower my voice.
He made me promise to keep his secret.
He said he had no choice.
He said he'd tried to walk the road
that he thought he was meant to take
but it left him open to ridicule
and taunts of FREAK and FAKE
then psychiatric analysis,
intravenous aid
and tests that just confirmed
the diagnosis that they'd made.
" They say I'm schizophrenic," he said
and I think they may be right
because now that I take the tablets
I no longer see the light,
feel the urge to help mankind
or foretell of it's demise.
I have no interest in God and his love
or the Devil's hate and lies.
I simply mow the lawns
and fix things where I can.
I am not the son of God
I'm just an ordinary man.
It seems that modern medicine
has cured him of his ills.
Made him ordinary
with it's sugar coated pills.
Cured him of his caring.
and his passion for humanity.
Freed him from the shackles
of his obvious insanity.
But what if he was right ?
with no illness or affliction
and what if the healing,
was in fact ... a chemical crucifixion.
In the Eye of the Beholder
Lorraine Voss
I usually make it a steadfast rule not to elucidate my poetry but in this case I think I should probably explain that the layout and rhyme scheme I've used for this piece is completely experimental and I'm still not 100% sure whether I like it or not and I'm afraid that I might be too blinded by my absolute love of the subject matter to form a valid poetic opinion.
The idea is that the poem starts as modern wishy washy free verse and then gradually evolves into something more structured and formal in the same way as the Wales changes from soft and apathetic in the South to to harder and more steeped in tradition and culture the further North you go.
Well that's the theory anyway. I shall leave you to be the judge of whether or not it works ....
"The wind farms are beautiful" she said.
but not thirty miles North, nor forty minutes later as if by contrived contrast, Trawsfynydd intruded and made foray into her head rendering her eyes peeled and salted with it's harsh and sinister visual. Digital mind recorded the scene transcribing its eyesore imagery to a slide-show set between what was; and all she hoped could be, posted (all be it in washed out Conservative green) upon her deceptively delicate and easily offended sensibilities. So she disregarded the diversion and in an act of deliberate denial, over-papered it with quaint zephyr blade images borrowed from the start of the excursion, hoping only now, for the meandering sway of an easy day on the curves of an idyll mountain road and exactly so it ribboned forth from patchwork fielded, hedgerow hemmed farms, through manufactured forestry, deliberate made, square and all too familiar to this; Her coddling, cushioned, green and rolling Wales transformed by gradient degrees and turned then to harder shades of tree-less bleak and blackened block-scape. Grey-scale misted mountains brooded ominous and left her thoughts half and half mixed with equal allotments of oppressed and transfixed. Each new view inspiring future rhyming writes and abstract, slate shaped, palate knife paintings. The muse giddy spun, danced dizzy through her mind while her cultured guide (and pilot of this ride) threw forth reference of history, heritage and stainless Sospan monuments. Battle tales of Princes of Wales recited aloud with a "proud of roots" knowledge undervalued and seldom now seen in this modern day hussle bussle "Land of my Fathers" and yet still .. the road upward, onward goes to ever more dramatic horizons. Each surpassing its predecessor. Each flowing. Poetic ! Like rhyming lines and metered text. Each peak a veritable stepping stone to more .. and more and next. 'til crag and bouldered summit silent stands, in wait of the return of Eagles grace. Listening as the ancient stories flow onward down the valley from this place where, from Fathers' voices to Sons it travels on through names best heard when whispered, softly spoke, or even sung, as Celtic history sings so smooth upon the tip of Cymru's tongue Immortalizing many a deed of mettle lamentful voiced o'er hill and vale it brings a feeling of at-oneness with the clansmen of my past and a loathing of marauding English Kings.
In Self Defence
Lorraine Voss
I'm building an ornamental mind castle
with turrets made from high ideals
and moats of endless possibilities.
Archery slits for shooting critics
and a portcullis of thick skin
to keep them out
... and keep me in.
Birthday Ode!
Shaunagh Cole
A birthday comes but once a year,
Thank God! I hear you mutter,
That circled day on the calendar
Sets your tiny heart a-flutter!
Your creaky joints are bothersome,
Your disco days no more,
It's comfy shoes for you, my friend
And the latest bunion cure!
Your wobbly bits shake without mercy,
Your sagging parts reach to the floor,
When it's bargain day at the co-op
You're the first one out of the door!
Your wrinkles just cannot be hidden,
Tight jeans have lost their appeal,
You find yourself gazing fondly
At 'one-sizers' designed to conceal!
Oh I wish I'd looked after my legs more
And worn my support tights with pride!
Forget the latest mini skirts,
Your varicose veins they won't hide!
The bubbly you now know is Steradent
To get those chompers clean,
And the closest you get to raunchy
Is a mug of Ovaltine!
Big pants can look rather snazzy
When worn with a vest of your choosing
And elastic waists are a God-send,
When your youthful, trim figure you're losing.
You cough and sneeze now with caution,
Those tell-tale leaks are a chore
As the latest incontinence catalogue
Drops with your post to the floor!
But life isn't all doom and gloom
There are plenty of good things in store,
Cheap haircuts, concessions, a bus pass
And winceyette nighties galore!
Enjoy your celebrations,
Forget those old-age fears,
Just light another candle,
Raise your glass, have a drink and say cheers!
The Letter
Shaunagh Cole
A letter came from school today,
You know the one I mean,
"We've head lice in our school again,
Please check your child's head's clean."
The chemist sold us vile shampoo,
It smelled like neat Domestos,
"It's guaranteed to work!" he said,
"And never mind the hair loss!"
I parted the hair with caution,
To take a look within,
Did that move? Oh God, I hope not,
No, I think it's just dry skin!
The plastic combs are nifty
For checking pristine locks,
They also come in handy
For de-fuzzing winter socks.
"But, Mum, my head's all itchy,"
The plaintive cry is heard,
"No, it can't be, all those creatures
From your scalp I'm sure I'd lured."
Stop scratching, you're imagining
Things crawling down your neck.
Now I'm itching and your father
Has become a nervous wreck.
Sit still and let me take a look,
The comb slips through with ease,
We haven't had such problems
Since next door's dog had fleas.
I know you don't like plaits,
But it's on the list of "do's,"
And with ribbons and a slide or two,
You've nothing much to lose.
I hope the school appreciates
The trouble that I've taken,
To guarantee those nits and lice
My child's head have forsaken.
I've combed and searched, the job's complete,
We've all been disinfected,
And now my child can rest at ease
Next time her head's inspected!
Inner Beauty
Maurice D. Sassoon
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I am taking the opportunity to submit a sample poem for your perusal. This is one from a collection of over l00 poems titled
In Full Bloom. I would like to have this collection published professionally. Most of the poems were written in rhyme. Sprinked among such poems of simplicity and purpose are those of slightly heavier content and style, nevertheless comprehensible. Visit my All about Brian, the Lion and the Sun, better Late than Never website.It doesn't matter how so plain
Or rough the crust may be,
The kernel is what truly counts
The part we cannot see.
A piece of land perceived as good
And ripe for human toil
May yet prove unproductive
Without the proper soil.
Can we appraise the sabre
While still within its sheath,
Or comprehend the ocean
Unless we look beneath?
The sights we often fail to see
And thoughtlessly pass by
May yet be those that satisfy
The palate, not the eye.
Maurice D. Sassoon
Subtly, so subtly, the workings of Time
Must alter the shape of the outer shell
Of a body once vibrant and moulded so well!
Slowly, but surely, like a wood-boring worm,
Out of the gloom of a perilous clime,
Firm in the grasp of a seasonable term,
Comes the chill-laden wintry spell
Of sad infirmity in a dismal sphere;
Lost in the woods of a cherished dream,
In the thickening fog of Nature's scheme,
Midst muffled sounds of distant strains,
Are earlier years that knew no fear
Of time and age; what now remains
Eternity must rightly redeem.
Oh, Weary Ear and Ever-Restless Mouth!
Maurice D. Sassoon
I hear the same old sound of people groaning,
The same old cries of cruel death and mourning,
All mingled with the sounds of joy and scorn,
Words of trust and hope for those forlorn.
I hear sweet words of unity and peace,
Voices of affliction and disease;
Wails of pain in genocidal wars,
Dismal echoes of enslaving laws,
Songs of faith, equality and love,
All well-embraced by Heaven high above;
I hear of better times with liberty,
Prosperity without disparity,
Mad terrorists uttering savage cries,
Committed to Democracy's demise.
Are these what life is really all about?
Oh, weary ear, and ever-restless mouth!
Maurice D. Sassoon
The fragile span of Memory's bridge,
Through Life's most unexpected phase,
In a bitter spell of mental chill
Soon disappears in swirls of haze,
The crossing between now and then
Being lost in Time's cerebral maze.
There loom the hunting fields or years,
No matter what the numbers be,
Across which stalks in silence grave,
Alzheimer, subtle, wild and free,
Cold and totally unsparing -
A terrible blight on Memory.
Alzheimer's clammy claws of pain
Reaches deeper through Life's core
While evening shadows creep into
Nights much darker than before,
As the ship of life is berthed safe
Along its one and only shore.
Highways of My Mind
Maurice D. Sassoon
I'm on a dream bus cruising
Through highways of my mind -
Highways of my choosing,
So clearly well-defined,
Where scenes are so inviting -
Refreshing as I travel
With feeling so exciting,
While mysteries unravel.
Together with my kindred souls
I find much comfort musing;
Worthy sights my mind extols,
Thank Heaven I'm not losing!
Oh, like me the're many who
Take in sights appealing,
Traveling mentally right through
Highways of good feeling.
Where good fortune ever greets,
There certainly I'll be,
Exactly where Fulfilment meets
With stark Reality.
In Darkness He was Light over the Din
Emma Threlfall
In darkness he was light over the din
For his was the brightest star in the sky
He will be smiling as we think of him
Giver and keeper of his loving kin
His shoulders upon which we could rely
In darkness he was light over the din
The angel’s song can now truly begin
On our shoulders now may he reside
He will be smiling as we think of him
Let him give us strength and hope from within
To not lose faith from the loss of our guide
In darkness he was light over the din
Remember him – flawless in everything
The honour he wore upon his chest
He will be smiling as we think of him
Opened his heart to every stray foundling
Please do not morn a body now at rest
In darkness he was light over the din
He will be smiling as we think of him
My Love
Emma Threlfall
My love was born before I came to this earth
My womb too hard to be easily broken
My heart far too young to know its own worth
My yearning too far gone to be spoken
You were the saviour of a life on edge
You were the sword able to break the chest
You are the only heart to which I’m pledged
A true love, pure in simplicity’s best
When I first lay weary eyes upon yours
I noticed forever was in your glare
Many openings where once were closed doors
Myself in you, quietly standing there
In an instant my future all laid out
Your love replaced all my anger and hurt
No longer was my mind filled with doubt
For now I have someone to put me first
For never have I felt a love so sweet
For never has my life been so complete
At Last
Emma Threlfall
To swim the infinity of your heart’s ocean
To let me see the world from your point of view
To believe you could second such a notion
And be satisfied that my soul is true
To live an impossible dream in your own lifetime
And let this wretch come along for the ride
To control your body to its hour-glass confined
And become apart of the law to which I abide
I would give forever to your every second
And put those seconds in my heart and hold on fast
To the beauty of our time spent so worthwhile
Because in you I’ve truly found myself at last
The Walkway
Emma Threlfall
Oh how this walkway does lead me to you
For every step, another step appears
And so many times I have wanted to
Walk those steps instead of wasting my tears
Never have I ever realised it
How in life everything needs to belong
Just as our universe needs to fit
These steps now belong to a silent tongue
Never have I ever spoken to you
Nor have you ever returned that favour
For when you are near, my mind, to
Like this walkway’s empty, so I do waiver
Just by being close to your very door
Make believe that I know your every move
Just when I think I could not want you more
The next move just like this walkway does prove
I shall forever be climbing steps up to
The door where I only, but once, saw you
Home Again
Emma Threlfall
Home again, home again with you
There are no more places to see
No one better to belong to
There is no better place for me
There are no more places to see
Nowhere on earth I have not been
There is no better place for me
This is the place of which I dream
Nowhere on earth I have not been
No one could take me from here
This is the place of which I dream
To leave would bring me to tears
No one could take me from here
Here I will forever stay
To leave would bring me to tears
I will never go come what may
Here I will forever stay
Been gone from this place for too long
I will never go come what may
To look on from afar was wrong
Been gone from this place for too long
To leave home and never come back
To look on from afar was wrong
I never thought I’d have done that
To leave home and never come back
To leave you alone, how could I?
I never thought I’d have done that
Here I am, give us one more try
No one better to belong to
Home again, home again with you
My Black Little Heart
David Nicholas
The way I held you
The way touch I you
The way I turned you
I put my cold soft hands on your rosy skin
My hands slowly infecting your body
With hate running through my veins and
Into your body you slowly
Die and are raised again filling the gap
That was in my black little heart
David Nicholas
I lead my life with such contempt
I hate the body
Which I inhabit
It reminds of times gone by
You see me eating from empty plates
Drinking from empty cups
You know not what you see
You know not what I am
You know not what I do
I am no longer a man
I am no longer held to this mortal
Velvet Wings
David Nicholas
Death has no morals about love or hate
So come for me my dark angel
Come for me and bleed
Slit your wrists for me
Allow me to taste your contempt for life
Allow me to see through your eyes
So come for me my dark angel on velvet wings
Come for me across midnight skies
Riding the winds of time
The Kiss of the Damned
David Nicholas
You came up to me that thick and foggy night
That night that I will not forget for centuries to come
The night you sired me
The night you made me what I am
My skin felt like it was melting off my bones
My blood felt like it was boiling
You sent me home to my family
To my children, my wife, to my old life
The voice in my head began to taunt me
Telling me things that I had to do
Ripping through the fabric of my soul
Tearing it apart piece by piece
Devouring my body whole
I sit in a corner reflecting on life
About my children, about my wife
About what I did to them that very night
Centuries have come and gone
Generations have come and gone
But my so-called life still goes on
Taunting me throughout time saying
Where is your wife, where is your life?
Satin Sheets
David Nicholas
Darkness falls like satin sheets lying down softly
As if someone had thrown it up in the air
Slowly drifting down to earth
Covering everything like a blanket
Things awake, animals start to show
Things awake when the moon is full
Things that have no name
You hear them when you lie in bed ... crowing, creeping
Outside you look to see what it is
You can see it lurking in the shadows staring back at you
You think is this a dream or is it real?
Back fiend you demand, you shout out loud
Cold sweat runs down your spine
You stay up all night looking at the beast
The veil of darkness begins to lift
You dive under the covers
You don’t want to know what it is
You look out of the window ... the beast has gone
But you know it will be back tonight!
The Spider
Colin Morris
With the passing of a sunny spring day
We look to the sky for a meaning and reason
Heaven’s above, Heaven’s below
How can we actually know
The spider walks his careful path
For he not knows where destiny lies
He carries on, day by day, not complicated by design
He spins his silk and lies for hours to concentrate
He waits, he waits, oh boy does he wait ...
The trembling alarm calls!
He scurries from his lair, his bounty irate
The frustrated fly has flown his careless path
His fate decided
Sitting in the pale blue emptiness
The crescent moon floats
Another passing day of quiet contemplation.
The Ant
Colin Morris
Ant, ant you travel so far
With tireless ease, effortless endurance
You are selfless, conscious, driven to your destiny
No need for friends, companions or acquaintances
Your passion is your search, to seek, to find
The fuel your kin require
Three times, six times, ten times your weight
You carry with ease, without complaint
Returning those miles is not a chore
And with ease your food is at the door
A touch is all you require to connect
To give reason to exist.
La Luna
Colin Morris
Oh transient moon what do you see?
Your shadow bestows such curiosity
Give us a clue of what you know
For we are mere mortals, destined not to grow.
Tribute to the King of Pop
Emma Washington
Reality Filmed
Sabahudin Hadzialic
Dismal image
Of my own imprint in time
That’s real
Inside the vision that ... isn’t
Is desperately in search for
Queen Elizabeth
Catherine, Nikolajevna
Princess Dianna
Disappear in front of the eyes
Of wild hordes
I remain alone
Trembling with trepidation
Trying to figure out
What is it that they want
Virtual reality of a surreal film-world
Is nothing more than
A treacherous impersonation of a real world
That deceives me
A Servile Servant!
She’s gone!
Will she ever come back?
The question is swept by the wind
I’ll wait for the storm to calm
And try to catch the mistral wind to find a cove
And search for the place where I met her
Barefoot and naked
Back in the day
On the stage!
Strange Dream
Sabahudin Hadzialic
Hands buried in sand
Blood stained hands
I try to reach the bottom of the sand pit
Digging deep
Feeling pain
Two blue eyes
Deep dive
Towards you
Blood shot eyes
Carried on the wave of desperate tears
I try to catch a glimpse of you
You disappeared behind a horizon
You drew near, furtively
And embraced
The World!
Eternal Dreams
Sabahudin Hadzialic
I call out her name
At night
While she is asleep
The reflexion of probability
Is out of grasp
Of my mortal soul
Spun a yarn
From a molten core
My core!
I call out her name
At dawn
While she is asleep
She is strong in her
While she lolls
On the tombstone
In the graveyard
My ...
Devil's Playground
Sabahudin Hadzialic
They understood!
They didn’t ask ...
... For anything else
But just a possibility to survive
Within the boundaries
Of a precious vision
Vision of world
Without hatred and senseless schemes
Living in the minds of their neighbours
They didn’t ask ...
... For anything else
But just a hope
That a right to live
Is a right of every human
And humanity
Remained where it always was
Entrapped within the boundaries
Lacking identity
The life for them is about
Waiting for the end
Are they there yet?
To Be Myself (Now and Here)
Sabahudin Hadzialic
Reflection in the mirror
... Runs away from me ...
Reflection in the mirror
... Remans within my sight ...
I hang on. Here
Dissolved. By hope.
From Vision to Wanting
Ryan McPhee
To witness, through the quarrel of the sun,
just one visit to prove
in respect to you how I've grown so fond
that for a moment may I dote upon,
and gaze with Eden's pond
in bloom as day is smitten with the eve.
Celestial petals hark
to the moon that soon a lit they'll be,
and kiss the spark that embarks reveries
of fantasy to be.
May when you harbor a wish and wonder
be obliged like a bride,
answered with seriphical, sonnet lore,
constellating just how stunning you are.
May this endeavor soar
upon the wings of a Phoenix and dance
as the stars from afar
sing like kindling, flickering for the chance;
each to serenade your dreams and romance
praise to parade in stance
in a summer's lilt afloat whispers of
complementary leaves,
painted by the vermilion wisps above;
each tree to be a courtship's call of love,
delicate like a dove.
May the breeze of a gust wander on by,
so softly offering
to please the space between each breath and sigh,
to cajole your lips as if on this night
was the first and last time
that such an embrace so pure would be felt,
passionate and granted
the subtle sway of your spiraling spell,
the fastest moment ever held so still
in motion and reveled,
and just like it greeted, the wind retreated
as the moon then did loom,
providing shine for me to believe in
of a swoon for the sky to compete with ...
perfect aesthetic proof
readdressing the bell that Marlowe toll,
the epochal model
whose face a thousand ships fought for like gold,
oh, infinitely many could not show
the devotion I hold,
linen how a proposition should sound,
imagined and fashioned
like a Camellia-inlaid velvet crown,
gently caressing sweet nothings abound,
and charm which to astound
with this bridge poured from Aurora's pallet
of torch-lit orchids,
blossoming a streaming borealis.
I present my hand, my heart, this palace;
just step from your lattice,
my lady, fly with me on this mead hour;
my Nightingale, let's sail
midway between Father Time's clock towers
where the dawning god bears loss of power
for tonight's reign showered
forth its eternal divinity
in style that of a smile,
unmatched by ages and Aphrodite,
passed mere attraction, such 'twas cast indeed
of eyes for ravishing,
and from the prurience
of that one glance
a second more beckoned,
"Just tell her, tell her; right here is the chance!"
But each lingering breath slowly entranced
my tongue, and oh how silent
patience in waiting is the hardest game,
wide-eyed, soon to arrive
the ticking of this twinkling flame.
May this passage be our first kiss to claim;
may each word swear the same
secret grip, like foreplay to persuasion,
the flutter that stutters
each beating syllable of the language.
For the heart is dormant 'til awakened
by Affection's ardent first gaze taken.
The Carnival
Ryan McPhee
She takes some parafilm and then gives me a kiss,
to watch me struggle against her lips,
just like teaching a lesson to a fish,
writhing from the water, fighting to exist.
Where her every word then feathers across my chest,
perfecting me just before she sinks them right in,
to go six inches deep, grabbing a hold of my life,
and with a baby's love, she bludgeons the beating that's slow to cry.
My Love is a carousel ride in the dark
where her beautiful smile is my supernova star;
My Love is a carousel ride in the dark,
where my Angel shines the same, whether or not she's my universe,
or my scar.
Ryan McPhee
All I know of sunshine,
allusioned romance for a heart's decline,
is a memory of when the world was mine,
so now I spoonfeed sleep,
and wish to wake into dream,
volcanic rain of acid wine.
Mouth open-wide.
For at least then I'd be too drunk ... too disfigured
to agonize if whether or not,
sunrise will end what she left behind.
What is Sex?
Ryan McPhee
The art of having sex indulges far more rationale than just being solely a means of reproduction, having the innate ability to drive a seductive connection amongst people with which physical, emotional, and even cognitive exchanges are had, responsible both for arousing intimacy on a tantric level as well as for lascivious, fantastical gratification to be played out between said people, fashioning a bond or relationship that can be one of momentary or enduring expression and need (enlaced in mutual understanding and care, or otherwise) while also having the prowess to bring said people to be more in tune with one another as well as with who they are, themselves, in ways that other acts of behavior and affection can only dream of incurring, in itself being a magical truth of human nature.
Vantage Point
Rebecca Mummery
Multiples of Pulchritude by Rebecca Mummery
Masochist's Second Chance
Rebecca Mummery
Multiples of Pulchritude by Rebecca Mummery
The Wooded Landscape
Rebecca Mummery
Multiples of Pulchritude by Rebecca Mummery
Heart of Infinity
Rebecca Mummery
Multiples of Pulchritude by Rebecca Mummery
To Cherish, My Dear
Rebecca Mummery
Multiples of Pulchritude by Rebecca Mummery
Mark Lowes
As the pillars of concrete grow all around them,
Shadows are cast over the flowers who search for the sun.
Root tangle and strangle each other’s homes
As they look to find a place to call their own.
Rain falls like bombs on an unsuspecting city.
Drops crash and splash onto the flower heads hiding amongst the scarce green grass,
The petals withstand the heavy lash as they look towards the superior sun in hope of nourishment,
But the sun stands idly by
Watching and waiting for the flowers to struggle and die.
And the storm sweeps away the innocence as the seeds fly into the harsh winds of everyday life.
Pollution from cars and fires choke the leaves who struggle to see through the dense smoke.
But then it’s calm.
The wind stops.
The rain stops.
The flood stops.
And the flowers are left with a rare but beautiful sight of a rainbow.
A bright pallet of colours ranging from violet to red are strewn across the sky.
Though it is only the eye,
The calm will cease,
And the battle for life will start once again.
The Car
Casson Booth
Casson Booth
The Dog
Casson Booth
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