John Fish B.Sc.
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Tenby Publishers
A Shop-Window for Authors and Poets
Currently featuring fifty Authors and thirteen Poets
"Aa ymddiried mewn unrhyw asiant; mae harddwch yn wrach yn erbyn ei swyn mae ffydd yn ymdoddi i waed"
"And trust no agent; for beauty is a witch against whose charms faith melteth into blood" Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing
Authors seeking publishers who wish to take advantage of this FREE service, from
John Fish B.Sc.Publishers of Tenby in Wales, to market their work should submit a synopsis and sample chapter of their book to the:Rowse Literary Agency
All copyright of all published information is retained by authors and interested representatives of publishers and literary agents should contact authors direct by e-mail (included, below, with information about a particular book).
Rowse Literary Agency Book Titles | |||||||||||||||
(Click-On hyperlink for a book's
synopsis, | |||||||||||||||
Is Arsene Wenger a specialist in failure? by Ayodeji Adisa Omotayo | |||||||||||||||
Likewise, Poets are invited to submit samples of their work (to a maximum of five poems) to the:
Rowse Poetry Anthology Titles |
(Click-On hyperlink for poem and poet's e-mail address): |
Home of the Garden by Matthew E. McMillen |
The Trees by Matthew E. McMillen |
Metropolitan Agenda by Matthew E. McMillen |
Fast Sun by Matthew E. McMillen |
Molly's Eyes by Lorraine Voss |
Just an Ordinary Man by Lorraine Voss |
In the Eye of the Beholder by Lorraine Voss |
In Self Defence by Lorraine Voss |
Birthday Ode! by Shaunagh Cole |
The Letter by Shaunagh Cole |
Inner Beauty by Maurice D. Sassoon |
Aging by Maurice D. Sassoon |
Oh, Weary Ear and Ever-Restless Mouth! by Maurice D. Sassoon |
Alzheimer by Maurice D. Sassoon |
Highways of My Mind by Maurice D. Sassoon |
In Darkness He was Light over the Din by Emma Threlfall |
My Love by Emma Threlfall |
At last by Emma Threlfall |
The Walkway by Emma Threlfall |
Home Again by Emma Threlfall |
My Black Little Heart by David Nicholas |
Contempt by David Nicholas |
Velvet Wings by David Nicholas |
The Kiss of the Damned by David Nicholas |
Satin Sheets by David Nicholas |
The Spider by Colin Morris |
The Ant by Colin Morris |
La Luna by Colin Morris |
Tribute to the King of Pop by Emma Washington |
Reality Filmed by Sabahudin Hadzialic |
Strange Dream by Sabahudin Hadzialic |
Eternal Dreams by Sabahudin Hadzialic |
Devil's Playground by Sabahudin Hadzialic |
To Be Myself (Now and Here) by Sabahudin Hadzialic |
From Vision to Wanting by Ryan McPhee |
The Carnival by Ryan McPhee |
M by Ryan McPhee |
What is Sex? by Ryan McPhee |
Vantage Point by Rebecca Mummery |
Masochist's Second Chance by Rebecca Mummery |
The Wooded Landscape by Rebecca Mummery |
Heart of Infinity by Rebecca Mummery |
To Cherish, My Dear by Rebecca Mummery |
Life by Mark Lowes |
The Car by Casson Booth |
Phones by Casson Booth |
The Dog by Casson Booth |
Poems with a Pembrokeshire theme can be submited to the: Star of Pembrokeshire Poetry Anthology
Poems with a Welsh theme can be submited to the: Star of Wales Poetry Anthology
Short stories can be submited to the: Star of Wales Short Story Anthology
Children's stories can be submited to the: Star of Wales Children's Stories Anthology
General Advice for Authors and Poets
An extremely useful publishing industry reference work, including contact information for publishers and literary agents: Writers' & Artists' Yearbook
This book includes e-mail addresses for many publishers and literary agents so a possible strategy could be to send those you wish to target an e-mail giving brief details of your book and including a hyperlink to the Rowse Literary Agency at:
informing them that a synopsis and sample chapter of your book (which is usually the initial information about your work that they will require) can be found there.
Remember, if it is your ambition to become a professional author then what you are really doing is attempting to establish a business, based on your writing, from which you can earn your living. So it could be a good idea to have two things: a business plan and a financial forecast.
Many authors begin with an extremly simplistic business plan: somehow if they get published somewhere then they'll end up with loads of money. But what you are really after is a publishing agreement with a major publishing company. Many years ago now, before the digital revolution, writing books was something few people did. It was an extremly laborious thing to do, the author would write the book long-hand, a typist would then type it up, the author would then re-write the book and the typist etc. This was a process which could go through many iterations because even to change a sentence, let alone a paragraph or introduce a new chapter, could mean that the book needed to be completely re-typed.
Nowadays, it's easy with the word-processor software we all have installed on our computers (the industry standard being Microsoft Word) since you can make as many changes as you like incorporating new paragraphs and chapters even. But is it easy? Because in the old days the author would physically rewrite their book from start to finish at least two or three times, sometimes double figures even. The result being a finished manuscript (or Camera Copy as it is known in the trade) which was highly 'polished', which was the work of a professional rather than an amateur. So perhaps a challenge you face is to produce a Camera Copy with a professional finish.
So how are you going to achieve that professional finish? Once you've decided that your book is finished then perhaps print it out, make what is known as a 'hard-copy'. Then read it, and re-read it, incorporating any changes into your book on the computer and printing new pages as you go along. So eventually you've finished re-reading your book and you end up with two identical Camera Copies: one on your computer and the other in print. And your book is finished: you will know in yourself when that point is reached.
There are three stages to the publishing process: the author writing the manuscript, the publisher producing from the manuscript a mass-produced book and lastly not least, the marketing of your book. Believe it or not, marketing is what will determine whether your book is a commercial success. Believe it or not, marketing is best described as a black art and even chucking loads of money at the problem does not guarantee success.
Marketing is the reason why many people advise against self-publishing but it has to be said, that with Microsoft Word you can type-set your book yourself (first step is to decide on a page size) and when you've finished doing that you are in a position to ask a printer for a quote - the basic information a printer will need to know is page size, number of pages in the book, number of books to be printed. If you decide to go ahead then one way of doing it is to give the printer a printed out hard-copy of your type-set Camera Copy which the printer can then scan into their computer system, since the Microsoft Windows operating system of your computer could well be incompatible with the operating system of the printer's computer system. The cost will be in the region of several thousand Pounds.
So to begin with your Business Plan is get into print and your Financial Forecast is that unless you get into print you won't make any money. So think of your writing as a hobby.
Or do you go down the e-book path? But if you think about it the challenges will be basically the same.
For those seeking advice on how to perform their work in public (book-readings, talks to societies and organisations, etc) we recommend a book written by a professional actor and stage director, George Rawlins. Together with his wife Jill he has great experience in instructing students pursuing LAMDA courses and the book is widely used as a text for such purposes: Look, Listen and Trust. George and Jill live near Kilgetty in Pembrokeshire.
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John Fish B.Sc. Publishers of Tenby in Wales